Charlotte weaves her experience as Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Breathworker to tap into the magic of being.  
Inspired by the symbiotic dance of breath and energy, her sessions intend to liberate, connect and voyage.  
Artist at heart and healer in the hands, she draws from her sensitivity and world travels to connect with all walks of life.


  • 2010 TTC Hatha Yoga with Sivananda
  • 2012 Vipassana Dhamma Sikhara
  • 2015 - 2020 Scuola SAT Claudio Naranjo
  • 2021 - 2022 Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Training with KRI
  • 2022 - 2023 Breathwork Facilitator with Alchemy of Breath 
  • 2023 Kundalini Activation Facilitator



Ever since I can remember I felt strong magic inside.
Born by the Ocean where big waves reside; 

Looking over to Europe my second side. 

My family, an incredible culture rich & totally unconventional mix. 

I was raised with the panorama open to the world.


Young at age, I felt a strong division between my inner sensations and my outer relations.  

Stemming from a Father gone, many moves and a Mother often traveling.   

Outside for me at the time could feel unprotected and uncertain. 

It seems, the magic I sensed inside walked paths with a desire to belong.  


Total Gemini, I feel the gift of polarity.  
Extrovert in the open, introvert lies my place of resource.  

There has always been a deep feeling for the trees, the rocks & the leaves.
Sensitive on the skin and an empath I am;  for a long time I felt estranged to the world.   

Like a black sheep, carrying unknown colors.  

Inside I was magical and strong.  Outside I was lonely and wanted to hide. 

My world travels mark the shifts in my life.  

The first gateway into my inner journey began with India at 15.  

The colors, the mixes, the philosophies…. 

It all felt like coming home….

The thirst to understand and feel deeper places in me was a natural quest.

I came to explore psychedelic substances in my 20’s, the second gateway.  

In this opening, organic life would intercommunicate and I was part of the whole.  
It all felt like what I sensed as a child - magic!

A voice told me: “You will learn to naturally tap into these dimensions.” 
I made it my path…. 

DYING TO BE REBORN - Keeping the feet in the Mud while looking at the Stars

I came to know Dr. Claudio Naranjo and the Sat school in Italy. 
A much awaited trigger, the SAT process was like going down Alice’s rabbit hole; I voyaged through my own mess, explored deep presence  and met my own Essence. 

The journey became a catalyst to place my feet on the Earth and embody Authentic Truth. 


The inner journey felt like all I wanted to do.  
After many years of creative experience, I left the world of jewelry to pick up my yoga training.  

“If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.”

The planting began with seeds of Kundalini Yoga. 
The practice spoke to my cells, harnessed my will and empowered me to stop a 15 year smoking addiction by falling in love with my breath.  

I shifted from being stoned to being crystal clear, from hiding to showing up.  

Emotionally structured, I had been suffering many years with acute acid reflux, as I finished one day my Kundalini practice, a voice told me: 
“To help your tummy, learn to breathe with your diaphragm.”

A few months later, the voice came back to say: “Now teach people …”

I began creating breathing circles in Marseille.  I searched and researched the breath and the many kundalini practices with breath.  

I wanted to offer practices that were available to all, all body types, all walks of life…. 
A practice to help people expand into the infinite consciousness and smile at the ground. 

Back in Italy, I run into one of my old yoga teachers.  
Her leg had just been amputated.  She shared with me how she rested in her breath as the hospital informed her she was to be amputated. 

She spoke of a method, BREATHWORK it’s called…. 

… I got hooked … 

Breathwork is that natural tool I use to tap into other dimensions.  
It connects me with my Inner Guide and takes me on a voyage into the many layers of myself.  

When I let go, the breath takes me where I need to flow.


Today I weave the many elements that make up my inner voyage to help you connect with your alchemy, your channel, your intention for this life… 

With breath, energy and kundalini, I am committed to help you bridge the seemingly divided parts in you, for your magic to shine.