“We all breathe, but we can learn to breathe in ways that lead to the most powerful and beautiful states and abilities.” - Dan Brulé

Breathwork refers to holistic techniques that work with our breathing patterns to help our mental, physical and spiritual well-being aspects. 

It can be used in a wide range of issues, including optimizing our leadership, healing trauma, relieving anxiety & stress, transforming habits, boosting creativity and connecting to our intuition.

At the heart of my sessions, we use a specific technique called Conscious Connected Breathing, in which we breathe through a continuous circular breath to allow life energy to flow through.    

As we build the breath and the oxygen levels shift,  the overthinking mind begins to calm, allowing our being to enter deeper sensations.

The journey acts like a portal for the subconscious to speak to the conscious.  

Through this exploration, we may receive messages from our inner wisdom, connect with our spirit, flow into total relaxation or release old burdens.  
“Breathwork is said to be one of the 

latest and greatest psychotherapeutic 

approaches to healing.” 


When I guide a person, wherever they may be in the world, deep energetic connections form between us.    

Through the in & out of a circular breath, we draw a tunnel of energetic frequency.   

As we step into this space, this portal, we begin a voyage. 
The first part often becomes a mental and emotional detox.  

Initially, many thoughts can flood through… We keep breathing…. We breathe through them to go beyond the mental chatter…. 
The music accompanies the flow…. 
The breath is active, circular, expanding and contracting… 
Emotions can arise…. A release can take place… 

Sometimes the body moves to let go, let flow… 
As we travel deeper and deeper into the layers of ourself, unknown spaces  can open up.  
Connecting with passed Loved Ones, speaking to our Guiding Light, experiencing moments of Unity or falling into sleep can be some of the many doorways we may open.  
Following a peak, the music will soften, the breath will lighten, opening to receive, passing messages, the subconscious speaks to the conscious…. 
What do we take back from this voyage…. ? 
The Journey becomes a saturated drop of awareness for us to receive.  
The goal: to live fuller, more vibrant, lighter, with harmony and joy in alignment with our Mind, Body and Soul.   


You experience daily anxiety
  • You want to release stress and learn to relax
  • You are feeling out of touch with your feelings
  • You want to be more expansive and alive in your day to day life
  • You want to feel connected to your life purpose
  • You want to stop hiding who you really are
  • You are being guided to do some deeper work on yourself and need a tool/guide to help you
  • You’ve been wanting to meet more heart centered humans but didn’t know where to find them
  • You have tried plant medicine and would like to find natural tools to help you support your transformations
  • You want to boost your creativity